© Fort Street High School Robotics
Hello and welcome to FSHS Robotics! We are a student run club dedicated to experiencing the rapidly evolving fields of mechanical, software and electrical engineering.
This site is our textbook for learning C and RobotC. Feel free to go through these chapters at your own pace - what matters is you learn and try out all sorts of problems that you are interested in. Be self-directed and be motivated!
If you spot any errors, send us an email.
I've changed the course quite a bit since we started. In the past, we would have an introduction to C, without touching robots for the first half of Term 4. This time around, we're starting with RobotC and learning C on the way.
You'll also find a lot more problem solving questions that require you to think.
Robotics is all about thinking and solving problems, and programming is one magical and interactive way of learning how to design, develop and produce great solutions.
Things you'll master:
Robotics is also a really new field - you'll hear in the news all sorts of new robots, artificial intelligence and search and rescue automation. You'll feel you are actually making something and at the end of the year, you'll feel accomplished and it'll further your knowledge in whatever field you'll be interested in in the future.
There are loads of inspiring work done in the robotics field. Here are two 'case studies' that are in the forefront of robotics.
Robotics, however, is a lot of work. The first year will be a learning experience - there are some who do really well, and some who don't set enough time for Robotics. You'll have to find your own balance. It isn't like any other extra curricular activity - it is a lot more about how much effort you put in. The people who put in the most effort are the ones who end up on the Awards page.
Hopefully you'll get more than just the fundamentals in programming - go outside your boundaries and try out all sorts of things, think of all sorts of solutions! Be smart and ask questions.