© Fort Street High School Robotics
Set up your motors by going to Robot > Motors and Sensors Setup and adding the two motors as described here. Make sure you name it what you’ll put in the square brackets!
To start the motors:
motor[motorL] = 100; // Sets speed of motorL to max speed
To reverse the motors, set it to a negative value:
motor[motorL] = -100; // Sets speed of motorL to max backwards speed
Note that this sets the motor speed. It does not do anything else. The most common error is this:
if (x > 0) {
motor[motorL] = 100;
else if (x < 0) {
motor[motorL] = -100;
else {
// No motor speed
When x is zero, the speed will remain the same as its previous state, and will not stop. To make it stop when x is 0, you must set the motor speed to 0:
else {
motor[motorL] = 0;
The wait command allows you to pause a program for a set number of milliseconds.
You can let the motor keep going at a speed for a certain period of time, and stop it after a period of time. For example, the following full program will set the motor speed to 100, wait for 3 seconds, then stop the motor.
#pragma config(Motor, motorA, motorL, tmotorNXT, PIDControl, encoder)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
task main()
motor[motorL] = -100; // SETS (not pings) motor speed
wait1Msec(3000); // Keeps running at -100 for 3 seconds
motor[motorL] = 0; // SETS speed to 0
Make the motor turn max speed for 1 second, then reversed max speed for 1 second, and repeat.
Make the motor turn at a speed proportional to the light value.